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As the individual can think about this thing and use certain ideas to adequately and understandably deal with this thing or situation. Understanding may mean realizing what someone means by saying or doing, and that may be by sign, as there is sign language in which the dumb understand, or by veiled speech that gives more than one meaning.
hee grassteppe 5 letters?
Understanding is a relationship between the person who understands and the thing that is understood. There is a very high and sophisticated level of understanding or understanding by exchanging thoughts without uttering a word or hint, and this can happen from a distance between the speaker and the recipient.
Understanding is a language: you know something by heart. understanding, understanding, and understanding: his knowledge; The last one from Sibawayh. (Arabes Tong)
Understanding: good perception of meaning; The quality of the mind’s readiness for deduction. (Thesaurus) Are you looking for: