can you use the bus lane to overtake the vehicle signalling to turn right?
You can use a bus lane at any time if you are operating a bike, bus, taxi, limousine, or an emergency vehicle. Buses, taxis and limousines can use bus lanes at any time to drop off or pick up passengers. Motorcycles are not allowed to use a bus lane.
can you use the bus lane to overtake the vehicle signalling to turn right?
When driving on a road marked with lane lines, you must keep your vehicle entirely within a lane. It is an offence to straddle a lane line except when passing a bicycle rider to give them the required room.
You can use a bus lane at any time if you are operating a bike, bus, taxi, limousine, or an emergency vehicle. Buses, taxis and limousines can use bus lanes at any time to drop off or pick up passengers. Motorcycles are not allowed to use a bus lane.٢٠/٠١/٢٠٢٢
can you use the bus lane to overtake the vehicle signalling to turn right?
drive in a bus lane, except when: entering or leaving a road (e.g. another road, private property, parking area) overtaking a vehicle turning right or making a U-turn from the centre of a road. avoiding an obstruction.